childish objects \ systems of belief 2015
Gratitude O Superman, O Judge, O Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad.
childish objects \ systems of belief / the Scotch tape tea set 1966 and 2006
boredom project – embodied memory, lots of cups and one teapot, vintage Scotch tape (collected for the reliquarium), transition object (childhood relic), acrylic, wood.
childish objects \ systems of belief / Triumph of the Will (Frantz Fanon’s white mask becomes my skin) 2000 and 2015
assembly – XL Olympiade Berlin 1936 Kampfricter (referee pin) (collected for the reliquarium), spectacles (family relic), baby hair (family relic), acrylic, wood.
childish objects \ systems of belief / Nurture (my first haircut) 1975-2007
assembly – artist hair (childhood relic), hand knotted wig, Constitution and Laws of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, 1921 pocket book (collected for the reliquarium), acrylic, wood.
childish objects \ systems of belief / sacred balance 2007 and 2015
performance document –miniature balance (collected for the reliquarium), human bone dust, gold, acrylic, wood.
childish objects \ systems of belief / We and They 2007
assembly – Kinder Aufs Land 1934 donation tinnie (collected for the reliquarium), score card (collected for the reliquarium), acrylic, wood.
childish objects \ systems of belief / Mastery of the Self 2001 and 2007
assembly – 3D body scan (from the mean body database \ standard posture), rapid cast bronze (cast from 3D print), patina, Mastery of the Self for Wealth, Power and Success in 30 parts and 30 volumes by Frank C. Haddock 1910 (collected for the reliquarium), acrylic, wood.